
Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and spatial arrangement, plays a crucial role in creating harmonious living spaces. As you embark on the journey of building or buying a new home, adhering to Vastu services can enhance the flow of positive energy, promote well-being, and bring prosperity to your household. In this blog, we will explore essential Vastu tips for a new home, guided by the insights of a top Astro Vastu consultant.

1.Selecting the Right Plot

The first step in Vastu planning is choosing a plot that aligns with positive energy. Here are some key considerations:

a. Shape of the Plot: A square or rectangular plot is ideal as it promotes stability and balance. Avoid irregular shapes, as they can create disturbances in energy flow.

b. Direction of the Plot: North-facing and east-facing plots are considered auspicious in Vastu. They allow for maximum sunlight and bring positive energy.

c. Surroundings: Ensure the plot is surrounded by well-maintained properties, free from clutter and negativity. A clean and green environment is ideal.

2. Main Entrance

The main entrance of a home is considered the gateway to positive energy. Here’s how to ensure it’s Vastu-compliant:

a. Direction: The main entrance should ideally be in the north, east, or northeast direction. These directions attract positive energy and prosperity.

b. Design: The entrance should be well-lit, spacious, and free from obstructions. Avoid placing a mirror facing the entrance, as it reflects positive energy out of the home.

c. Threshold: A threshold at the main entrance is believed to prevent negative energy from entering the home.

3. Living Room Placement

The living room is where families spend quality time together, so it should be designed to foster harmony and comfort:

a. Location: Ideally, the living room should be in the north or northeast direction. This placement ensures a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

b. Furniture Arrangement: Place furniture in a way that doesn’t obstruct movement. Avoid placing heavy furniture in the center of the room, as it can block the flow of energy.

c. Decor: Use light colors, soft furnishings, and natural elements like plants to enhance the positive energy in the living room.

4. Kitchen Vastu

The kitchen is the heart of the home, representing health and nourishment. Adhering to Vastu principles in the kitchen can ensure a healthy and prosperous household:

a. Direction: The kitchen should be located in the southeast direction, as it is associated with the fire element. The second best option is the northwest direction.

b. Stove Placement: The stove should be placed in the southeast corner, and the cook should face east while cooking. This placement ensures that the fire element is in balance.

c. Water Elements: Avoid placing the sink or water elements near the stove, as water and fire are opposing elements. They should be separated to maintain harmony.

5. Bedroom Vastu

A Vastu-compliant bedroom is essential for restful sleep and overall well-being:

a. Master Bedroom: The master bedroom should be located in the southwest direction, which is associated with stability and strength. This placement is especially important for the head of the family.

b. Bed Placement: The bed should be placed in the southwest corner, with the headboard facing east or south. This orientation promotes restful sleep and good health.

c. Mirrors: Avoid placing mirrors directly facing the bed, as they can cause disturbances in sleep and create negative energy.

6. Bathroom and Toilet Vastu

Bathrooms and toilets, if not placed correctly, can disrupt the flow of positive energy in a home:

a. Location: The bathroom should ideally be located in the northwest or west direction. Avoid placing bathrooms in the northeast or southwest corners of the home.

b. Toilet Placement: The toilet seat should face north or south, and the bathroom should be kept clean and dry to prevent negative energy from accumulating.

c. Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in the bathroom to allow negative energy to escape and keep the space fresh.

7. Prayer Room (Pooja Room) Vastu

A Prayer room is a sacred space where positive energy is concentrated. Here’s how to design it according to Vastu principles:

a. Location: The prayer room should be located in the northeast corner of the home, as this direction is considered highly auspicious for spiritual activities.

b. Idol Placement: Idols and pictures of deities should face east or west, and the person praying should face east for maximum benefits.

c. Decor: Keep the prayer room clean, uncluttered, and serene. Avoid placing heavy objects or storage items in this space.

8. Vastu for Staircase

If your home has multiple floors, the placement and design of the staircase can significantly impact the flow of energy:

a. Location: The staircase should be located in the southwest, south, or west direction. Avoid placing the staircase in the northeast corner, as it can obstruct positive energy.

b. Direction: The staircase should ascend from east to west or north to south. The first step should be placed on a higher floor and the last step on the lower floor to ensure energy flow.

c. Design: A well-designed staircase should be well-lit, and the steps should be even and consistent in size. Avoid spiral staircases, as they can create disturbances in energy.

9. Vastu for Windows and Doors

Windows and doors play a vital role in the flow of energy in a home:

a. Direction: Ensure that windows and doors are placed in the north or east direction to allow the entry of fresh air and natural light.

b. Size and Placement: Doors should be larger in size compared to windows to allow the free flow of energy. Windows should be placed opposite doors to facilitate cross-ventilation.

c. Design: Keep windows and doors clean and well-maintained to ensure the smooth flow of positive energy. Avoid placing doors directly opposite each other, as it can create a push-pull effect.

10. Vastu for Colors

Colors have a profound impact on the energy and ambiance of a home. Choosing the right colors according to Vastu can enhance positivity:

a. Living Room: Use light shades like white, cream, or pastel colors to create a calming and welcoming atmosphere.

b. Kitchen: Opt for warm colors like yellow, orange, or red, which are associated with the fire element and promote health and vitality.

c. Bedrooms: Soothing colors like light blue, green, or lavender are ideal for bedrooms, as they promote relaxation and restful sleep.

d. Bathrooms: Use light and neutral colors in bathrooms to create a fresh and clean environment.

11. Vastu for Lighting

Proper lighting is essential for creating a positive and vibrant atmosphere in a home:

a. Natural Light: Maximize the use of natural light by placing windows and skylights in the north and east directions. Natural light not only brightens the space but also brings positive energy.

b. Artificial Lighting: Use soft, warm lighting in living areas and bedrooms to create a cozy and inviting ambiance. Avoid harsh or dim lighting, as it can create imbalances in energy.

c. Decorative Lighting: Incorporate decorative lighting like chandeliers, lamps, and candles to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home while promoting positive energy.


Building or buying a new home is a significant milestone, and following Vastu principles can ensure that your living space is filled with positive energy, prosperity, and happiness. By consulting with a reputable Astro Vastu consultant in Bangalore. Shree Manjunath Vastu and Yoga Zone’s Vastu services offer expert guidance to help you design a Vastu-compliant home that serves as a sanctuary, supporting your overall well-being and success. Remember, a Vastu-compliant home is more than just a structure; it’s a place of harmony and positivity.