Medicine, mantras, and gemstones can reduce the harmful effects of inauspicious planets and nakshatras, enhancing one’s luck. However, these remedies are only effective when the timing is favorable. Selecting the right remedy is crucial. In Indian astrology, common remedies include mantras, tantras, yantras, gemstones, rudraksha, yagya, and rosaries. When performed with full faith and devotion, these can help overcome difficult situations.

Worshipping specific deities is a powerful remedy. For instance, to lessen the malefic effects of the Sun, one should worship Goddess Matangi or the Sun God. Similarly, worshipping Goddess Bhuvneshwari or Lord Shiva can reduce the malefic effects of the Moon. Each planet has its own associated deity, and chanting their mantras can help mitigate various life problems.

The nature of your zodiac sign (Rashi) also determines the best remedy:

1. Fiery signs benefit from hawan, yagya, and fasting.

2. Earthy signs find gemstones, yantras, or metals to be auspicious.

3. Airy signs should focus on chanting mantras, pooja, and katha.

4. Watery signs benefit from donations, immersions, and herbal baths.

Gemstones, specifically, harness divine powers and energies. Wearing a gemstone related to your strong planets can bring positivity and strength. Rudrakshas also have powerful effects, with different types associated with different planets, such as the One Mukhi Rudraksha for the Sun or the Two Mukhi Rudraksha for the Moon. Each has unique properties that can increase positive energies and diminish negative ones.

For example-

These deities should be worshipped by chanting mantras, stotra and Japam. According to Maharishi Parashar each planet has its own deity, and by chanting mantras and stotras of the respective deity one can come over various problems in life. Remedies are selected on the nature of rashi. For example
Let us, now have a brief discussion of various astrological remedies –